Art Gallery

These images have been transformed into ready-made posters. The wide borders simulate a card mount, so the picture can be placed straight into a frame and look great. It also allows the image name to be shown with stylish typography. Traditional or modern... colour, black and white or tinted... there should be something for everybody.

All these images can be purchased as prints for you to keep and enjoy: please mail for prices.

Cymbolic African Violet Tequila Sunrise
Beach Huts Summer Skies Fishing Boat
Study in Stone The Planets Anemone Japonica
Widescreen Dandelion Cathedral Windy Day at Aldeburgh Beach
Walking the Beach African Violet (black border) Stone
Poppy in Monochrome Jaguar XK150 Water Poppy
The Last Post  Dandelion Sun Art and Youth
Bellis perennis Autumn Sunset Old Boat

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All images within this site are totally original and copyright of the author. If you wish to use any images commercially please e-mail for copyright clearance.